Unemployed dad with disturbing face tattoo begs for job on Facebook after searching for months

In this incredible story that underscores the power of social media, we meet Mark Cropp, a young man from New Zealand who found himself at a crossroads after serving time in prison for a botched drug deal. Determined to start fresh upon his release, Mark made a decision that would change his life forever.

The Life-Altering Face Tattoo

One night, while locked up, Mark and his brother got carried away. Under the influence of homemade alcohol made from fermented apples, bread, and sugar, they impulsively decided to tattoo Mark’s face with his nickname. Using toothpaste and melted plastic knives and forks as makeshift ink, they created a giant black tattoo that boldly spelled “Devast8” across Mark’s jaw and lower face. Little did Mark know that this tattoo would soon become a symbol of regret.

Mark Cropp with his "Devast8" face tattoo

After his release, Mark faced the harsh reality of unemployment. Despite his eagerness to reintegrate into society and provide for his partner and young daughter, his large face tattoo made it nearly impossible for him to find a job. Prospective employers were instantly put off by the visible ink, leaving Mark feeling discouraged and hopeless.

Desperate to change his situation, Mark attempted to find ways to remove the tattoo. However, he faced financial constraints and a lack of professionals willing to help. Laser removal, the most viable option, required multiple sessions, which Mark could not afford. So, he turned to social media for a ray of hope.

A Chance at Redemption

Mark took to Facebook and shared a selfie showcasing his distinctive tattoo while appealing for a job and a new beginning. His heartfelt plea quickly gained attention, touching the hearts of the staff at Sacred Tattoo, an Auckland-based tattoo parlor known for its community involvement.

Moved by Mark’s story and recognizing an opportunity to make a positive impact, Sacred Tattoo offered an extraordinary act of kindness. They volunteered to provide free laser removal sessions to erase the “Devast8” tattoo from Mark’s face. The generosity of Sacred Tattoo not only demonstrated the power of social media but also highlighted the profound effect of compassion.

With a newfound sense of hope and gratitude, Mark also secured a position at a scaffolding company called PR Contracting, earning $22 an hour. This second chance at life was a turning point for him and his family.

This story raises an important question: Do you believe that everyone deserves a second shot at life? Mark’s journey shows us that no matter the mistakes we’ve made, redemption is possible. It is a reminder that compassion and understanding can make a world of difference in someone’s life.

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