Nobody deserves to be dumped…

If you’re in a committed, monogamous relationship, it’s one of the worst things a partner can do!

Simply put, having a trust pact broken is not something that anyone deserves.

If you’re in this circumstance and your partner has cheated on you several times, there are steps you may do to deal with the matter.

This is how you can deal with being cheated on!

1) Recognize that you are not to blame.
First and foremost, it is not your fault that you have been cheated on.

Upset woman crying, seeing her boyfriend with other girl in park

It’s also not your fault that it’s happened several times.

I want you to know that you did nothing wrong to contribute to his cheating behavior.

It is just not your fault that this has occurred to you.

Even if you and your partner had a heated argument before the adultery occurred, it is not an excuse.

There is just no justification for cheating!

You may have discovered that you were blaming yourself for things you said during an argument, or that you thought you weren’t a good enough partner in general…

But this is only an excuse for his behavior.

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you weren’t giving him what he wanted or that you weren’t complete enough.

The truth is that the greatest thing he could do is talk to you about how he was feeling and communicate his dissatisfaction or need for something else from the relationship.

That would have given you the opportunity to work things out and make a decision regarding the future of your relationship.

On the other side, his adultery has most certainly sent you into a tailspin as you try to figure out why this has happened…

Love Triangle. Cheating Boyfriend Hugging Girlfriend Holding Hands With Her Girl Friend Sitting On Bench Together In Park Outdoor. Back-View

You’re probably asking why he’s done this not once, but twice.

Just don’t blame yourself, I’ll say it again.

This is his fault. It’s his mistake and lousy decision!

2) Make time for yourself.
Being in a relationship requires EFFORT…

…And negotiating a relationship in which cheating has occurred is considerably more difficult.

This is now using all of your vital energy.

The truth is that we only have so much energy each day, and if your relationship problems consume a significant amount of it, you’ll be wasting all of the energy you could be giving yourself.

Allow yourself a vacation from all of the problems and some time for yourself.

This could take a variety of forms, including:

Take a walk in the woods.
Unplug from social media.
Have a bath.
Attend a meditation or yoga class.
There are numerous strategies to make time for oneself.

Furthermore, combining this with some self-care will allow you to recharge and refresh, as well as gain perspective on how to deal with the problem.

If your lover has cheated on you, it is critical that you take care of yourself.

You see, if you’re continuously involved in drama and arguing with your lover, you won’t have time to think clearly.

So, take as much time as you need!

Taking time for oneself is an empowering act.

3) Don’t allow fear influence your decisions.
Oh, the terror.

Or, as I like to put it, false evidence that appears to be true.

We all live with fear…

Some of us are more fearful than others, but we are all afraid!

Since your boyfriend cheated on you, you may have found yourself afraid of what the future holds for you.

This is normal, so take a break if you’ve been feeling this way.

You see, maybe you and your partner had a lot of future plans for the life you wanted to establish together.

Perhaps it included things like having kids, purchasing a house, and living together until you’re elderly…

But this vision is disappearing as you become increasingly angry and unhappy with him.

At the same time, you may be concerned about whether you’ll meet someone else.

As a result, you may feel compelled to stick with him and make things work.

However, you should only desire to be with someone if you have a shared vision, true support for one another, and love and respect for one another.

You shouldn’t be together because you’re afraid you’ll never meet anyone again.

If these ideas and sensations of fear arise, simply acknowledge them and breathe through them.

Allow these ideas to pass and even appreciate fear for appearing, while deciding not to let it define your future.

4) Accept that things will be difficult for a while.
There is no way to sugarcoat the reality of someone cheating on you.

It’s really awful.

It was a bad decision on your boyfriend’s part, and it will sting for a long time.

But time is a great healer, and things will improve faster than you think.

Do your best to accept the situation and decide what you need to do next during the immediate aftermath.

Simply said, there is nothing you can do to reverse what occurred; it is impossible to turn back the clock and wipe the incident from history.

It has tragically occurred, and efforts must now be done to address it.

So, what are your options?

Remember that everything happens for a reason, and there IS a greater purpose in this for you.

Even if you can’t see it right now, it will make sense later.

Simply trust the process and believe that everything is working out for your best interests.

That being stated, it is up to you to decide what steps you need to take to move on with your life during this time.

5) Disconnect from social media.
Social media has a reputation for wreaking havoc on our collective mental health.

This I know to be true!

It has a way of suddenly making us feel horrible about ourselves when we see how well other people appear to be doing and how much fun they appear to be having in their life.

Couples also enjoy sharing images of their happy relationships and life events like engagements, weddings, and infants.

As a result, it’s recommended to avoid social media in the early aftermath of discovering that your lover has cheated on you.

Consuming stuff from others that portrays them as prospering and in love is not a good idea.

Allow yourself time to be present with yourself and notice how you feel without the distraction of social media.

In my experience, social media has been extremely harmful to my self-esteem.

I’m going about my business, happy as can be, and then I see someone’s wedding photos and feel awful about myself and the fact that I’m not married!

It’s simply not worth it, so avoid social media.

Furthermore, in addition to simply checking out, you could deactivate your accounts or remove the apps to avoid temptation!

6) Spend time with your loved ones.

Your boyfriend cheating on you several times may have caused you to lose faith in people, yet there are so many wonderful people in the world!

Don’t lose faith in the brilliance of others.

There are many honest people who would never, ever betray your trust.

Remember this when you’ve come to grips with his actions.

Spending time with your people is the best way to remember this.

Spend time with those who understand you and truly have your back, whether they are old or new pals.

These folks will offer you genuine support and encouragement and will be there for you during this difficult time.

Furthermore, if you feel like you don’t have connections with individuals who understand you, make a point of developing new relationships.

Simply said, there are many individuals you have yet to meet who will adore you and want to see you happy and well.

There are numerous places where you can meet these people!

You may, for example, take up a new pastime or enroll in a class where you will most likely meet people who share your interests.

7) Seek expert assistance.

In addition to telling your friends about your situation and receiving their support, it’s a good idea to seek expert assistance.

There is no shame in obtaining treatment!

Speaking with a counseling expert can help you gain insight on your situation and lead you through the next steps.

Counselors have an incredible ability to hold space for you and allow you to speak freely. Keep in mind that it is essentially their job to encourage this!

In other words, they’ll let you see the “trees through the jungle” and feel less overwhelmed by the circumstance.

Furthermore, you may now get professional counseling online without ever leaving your house!

There are numerous avenues for assistance…

…And it will most certainly have a greater influence than you realize, with a good ripple effect in many areas of your life!