Family should be a place of trust and safety, but one mother’s unique approach to raising her daughter has sparked a heated debate among parents. Aubrey, known as @theorganicmami on TikTok, has gained a following of over 2,000 people by sharing her parenting perspectives. In a recent video, she revealed that she refuses to leave her daughter alone with male relatives and bans sleepovers altogether.

Aubrey’s firm stance has drawn both support and criticism. Some parents agree with her precautions, recounting their own experiences or expressing concerns about their children’s safety. On the other hand, some argue that sleepovers offer valuable experiences and memories, and that children might miss out by not participating.

But why does Aubrey have such strict rules? She explained in her video that she treats her son and daughter equally. They are both subject to the same safety precautions, including not being allowed to stay out late. Aubrey believes that it is too dangerous for her daughter to be out late alone, and she wants to ensure their safety by enforcing a level playing field.

Aubrey also emphasized the importance of physical boundaries and consent. Her daughter will never be forced to hug or kiss anyone if she doesn’t want to, even if they are friends or relatives. Additionally, she encourages open communication and discourages secrets, so that her children feel comfortable expressing their emotions and concerns.

Moreover, Aubrey mentioned that her daughter is not obligated to attend public school. She values her child’s freedom to express herself and believes that education can be pursued in various ways.

While opinions on Aubrey’s parenting approach are polarized, one can appreciate her efforts to prioritize safety, boundaries, and open communication. By treating both her son and daughter equally, she aims to create a fair and secure environment for her children to grow and thrive.

What are your thoughts on Aubrey’s approach? Do you agree or disagree? Let us know in the comments!