Will Smith, the renowned actor, recently shared his insights on the perils of fame at the Red Sea International Film Festival in Saudi Arabia. Describing fame as a “unique monster,” Smith emphasized the importance of handling it with caution.

According to Smith, the key is to remain grounded and not let the praise of others inflate one’s ego. He cautioned, “You can’t get excited when everybody is saying good things about you, because the more you take when people are saying good things about you, the more hurt you’re gonna be when people are saying bad things about you.”

Looking ahead, Smith expressed his determination to stay true to himself and his purpose. He stated, “I can’t rely on others applauding me to remain focused on my mission. I have always sought to make a positive impact in the world, bring smiles, and inspire others.”

Smith also reflected on a recent incident where he slapped comedian Chris Rock on stage during the 2022 Academy Awards. He expressed humility for his actions and shared his newfound inspiration to illuminate the world around him. He declared, “This next phase of my life is about perfecting and shining my light as brightly as I can on as many people as possible.”

With his unique perspective on fame, Will Smith serves as a reminder that staying true to oneself and focusing on positive impact can help navigate the challenges that come with the spotlight.