There have been countless spooky images circulating the internet, from supposed sightings of Big Foot to UFOs in the sky. However, most of these images can easily be debunked as coincidental camera blurs or clever Photoshop trickery. Yet, there are still some photos that defy explanation, such as the one stumbled upon by runner Kay Borleis during her 100-mile run through the Hawaiian rainforest.

Kay, along with her friend Cassie who was acting as her pacer, participated in the Hawaiian Ultra Running Team’s Trail 100-Mile Endurance Run in 2019. This challenging race requires competitors to complete five laps of a 20-mile loop through dense rainforest. Cassie took photos along the way, and it was one of these images that caught Kay’s attention.

In the photo, Kay can be seen trekking along a muddy trail surrounded by the lush jungle. But upon closer inspection, she noticed something unsettling. To the left of her head, there appeared to be a figure lurking in the frame. This mysterious figure, dressed in tattered clothing, seemed to be observing Kay as she ran. Astonished by the discovery, Kay took to Reddit to share her experience.

“My pacer took this photo,” she explained. “Notice the figure in the frame to the left of my head. We never saw anyone passing us, and there were no statues along the trail. It is NOT photoshopped or made. This is legit.”

When zooming in on the photo, the dark figure becomes more evident. This revelation prompted Kay to research possible explanations. She stumbled upon legends of Hawaiian warriors known as Night Marchers. According to the legends, these ghostly warriors haunt the island, appearing as “murderous shades” and “rabid galvanized specters.” It is believed that looking directly at the Night Marchers can lead to a horrible and violent death, while showing respect and fear may spare one from harm.

Fortunately, Kay and Cassie did not witness any Night Marchers during their run. Nevertheless, the eerie photo left them with a lingering sense of wonder and intrigue. It serves as a reminder that there are still mysteries in the world that cannot be easily explained.

Have you ever captured a photo and discovered an unexpected detail later? Share your experiences in the comments. And if you enjoyed this article, make sure to check out the related stories below for more intriguing content:

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