Can you imagine finding something unexpected in your Christmas tree? Well, that’s exactly what happened to one woman and her story has gone viral on TikTok. The woman, known as @brettbratt359, heard a sneeze in her home and initially thought it was one of her pets. However, upon investigation, she discovered a possum hiding in her Christmas tree!

“I was in shock. I didn’t know what it was,” she said in a video. The woman described seeing a “big, long-looking rat tail” coming out of her tree. To her surprise, there was a “giant gray, breathing ball of fur” nestled among her holiday ornaments. The possum had somehow made its way inside and had made itself comfortable in the tree.

Naturally, the woman was taken aback and unsure of what to do. She attempted to coax the possum out with food but was unsuccessful. After realizing that animal control wouldn’t come after hours, she decided to take matters into her own hands. Wearing protective gloves, she reached in and grabbed the possum. Although the possum wasn’t aggressive, it was stubborn and she had to pluck its fingers off the branch, causing a small fall from the tree.

But the adventure wasn’t over yet. The possum quickly ran under her couch, leading to a chase around the house. Determined, the woman tackled the possum like an NFL football player and managed to calm it down. Finally, she released the possum outside.

According to the woman, the possum wasn’t aggressive but had a strong odor. As an animal lover with several pets, she said she would’ve kept it if it didn’t smell so bad. She suspects that the possum entered her home after her pet dogs, but she still doesn’t know for sure.

It’s definitely an unexpected surprise, but we’re relieved that the woman managed to safely remove the possum from her tree. We hope the possum is doing well back in the wild, perhaps hanging out in a real outdoor tree. Share this fascinating story with your friends and family!