Back in the summer of 2014, something miraculous happened to Susan Hickman. During her walk, she stumbled upon a cracked eggshell. Most people would have ignored it, but Susan felt drawn to investigate further. And boy, was she in for a surprise!

Inside the cracked shell was a newborn chick, featherless and with its eyes tightly shut. Susan couldn’t find a nest nearby, and she knew that this little one wouldn’t survive on its own. Without hesitation, she took it upon herself to save its life.

Taking care of a baby bird is no easy feat. For the first two weeks, Susan had to feed it every 20-30 minutes from sunrise to sunset. She used a tiny medicine dropper to ensure the chick received the nourishment it needed. It was a challenging and exhausting process, but Susan’s determination never wavered.

Remarkably, the chick proved to be a true fighter, surviving each passing day. Susan named it Klinger and witnessed its incredible transformation. The chick opened its eyes, grew feathers, and eventually blossomed into a magnificent bird.

Klinger the bird

Throughout Klinger’s recovery, he became an integral part of Susan’s family. He received an abundance of love and care, bringing immeasurable joy into Susan’s life. Susan, being an avid animal lover, initially intended to release Klinger back into the wild once he was big enough.

However, Susan soon realized that Klinger had become domesticated. He hadn’t acquired the skills necessary to survive in the wild. With great affection, Susan decided that Klinger would be better off staying with her. And to everyone’s delight, Klinger seems perfectly content with this arrangement.

Susan and Klinger

Klinger’s story is truly heartwarming, showcasing the extraordinary bond between humans and animals. It reminds us of the compassion and kindness that exist in the world. If you were touched by this incredible story, please share it with others and spread the love.

To learn more about Susan and Klinger’s remarkable journey, you can watch their video here.

Published by Animal Bible. Please like.