7-year-old suffers from childhood dementia – 'This Christmas is probably going to be her last'

It is a heartbreaking reality that this Christmas may be the last one for Addy, a 7-year-old girl from England who is battling a rare condition called Batten Disease. Batten Disease, also known as childhood dementia, is so rare that only five children in the UK are diagnosed with it each year, and Addy is unfortunately one of them.

Addy’s loving family is witnessing their daughter’s decline, as she forgets how to walk, talk, and eat. Addy’s mother, Haley, describes the situation as “worse than the worst-case scenario” and acknowledges that this Christmas may be their last one together. She shares, “Our daughter is fading in front of our eyes.”

The signs of Addy’s illness appeared when she was only four years old, after experiencing multiple seizures. Batten Disease gradually robs the affected children of every skill they have learned, as their brains struggle to eliminate cell waste effectively. The disease has stolen the child her parents once knew, leaving behind a devastating reality.

Before her diagnosis, Addy was an ordinary four-year-old, enjoying activities like riding her scooter and building sandcastles. However, now she has lost the ability to eat and walk independently, and her vision is diminishing. Eventually, she will lose all cognitive and mobility skills. It is a tragic and heartbreaking journey for Addy and those who love her.

In an effort to support other families facing similar challenges, Addy’s family is raising funds for their local children’s hospice. Any money collected before Christmas will be used to create unforgettable memories for the children there and offer support for families like Addy’s.

This story is incredibly tragic, and we can only imagine the pain and sadness Addy’s friends and family must be experiencing. We sincerely hope that this brave little girl and her parents can find solace and create lasting memories this Christmas.